The Natural Law

The Natural Law

The ancient natural law is simple. it is the only one that brings justice because it is respectfull of the individual as well as the community and the environment all included at the same time. Natural law is not religious and most principles have become opposite now : Modern Land “laws” promote insane selfishness. Shepherd’s land laws are designed for domestication and slavery ; they are unfair in their nature and not respectfull of the individual. They impose Speciesm and promote pride. They give a strong complex of superiority to the supertitious “chosen ones” 😀 . They also justify unfair violence and punishment with lies. A criminal is a criminal : whatever he is a president or a butcher. Most actual political leaders are actual criminals, this is a MUST BE for any of them. Most people do not realise it because the crimes are disguised behind “laws” and imaginary legitimity. Murder is never justified. Ancient people woiuld practise banishment most of the time insteaad of capital execution. Natural law promote dialog and mutual comprehension.

In ancient symbology, justice is represented by a woman holding a weight ballance. She is blindes with a piece of tissue and she holds a sword that is pointing to the skies. In other symbology, the object that she holds is variable it can be a Spear, a bow or a torch of fire. In any case it point to the skies. Justice is not threatening, she is intimately analysing the situation from a natural law”s point of view. Justive was not given by men in the ancient time : there was a reason for that : the head of society was matriarcal. So are the oldest characters that are represented by mankind ever found in Europe. The cult of feminine was present all around the world. The natural psychology of women is more peacefull than a man’s one in the vast majority. The men were raised as warriors and they would train for that. Some men would refuse to go to warriors and be treated as women. This still exists in the polynesian tradition that is very tolerant. Men were than allowed to dress as women.and do the same tasks and dances Most warriors  men would find this funny but they would respect the “raerea” as they call it there. This sort of tradition also exists in india where some spiritual groups of men adopt female dressing and dancing. The ancients were very carefull of peace and they would do as much as possible to favor dialog andmutual comprehension. The common mind of the people were highly empathic at this time and so very tolerant. Empathy allows the one that practises it to easily change point of view. You van then feel differently as if you were on your “opponent’s” side. Knowledge of sacred energy explans this with the waves this is a mathematical law. you need 2 points of view to have a correct 3D view. 1 only picture would give a flat image.

The cloth that covers justice’s eyes has more than one meaning. it is very subtle indeed. it is a warning for spiritual blindness. the sword is a warning for death penalty. The balance that is manipulated by the woman also symbolise a pendulum. This symbolises the Earth and sky connexion through the woman’s body. Why is this ? this is simple : the women were considered as stargates because the would give birth. This ability was particularly admired by humanity and this is logic. The stargate would welcome new people in the tribe that would  be a insurance for the future generations to come and keep life going. This is the idea. Once grown and well raised, the children would then have their role in the society and keep the tradition.

Nowadays you need a whole library to store the text laws of a single country. In the pas this was more simple. The number of laws were reduced and averybody could know them easily. They had a LOGIC. For this reason you would not need a whole library. you can compare this to a sort computer software in sort to say that once implanted in the human mind would give the logic of action quite like a artificial intelligence. This is very similar. Artificial intelligence will bring progress to humanity also in terms of the understanding of psychology. Human programming is familiar to mankind everyone has his own self tuned “software”. The responsibility for the tuning of the software is individual and relies on individual initiative with the will of consciousness. The software is not only for internal control it also allows the connexion with the ground and the sky at the same time for consciousness of the environment for fast adaptability. The Field of consciousness where it connects is common to all conscious creatures. Not only mankind. The field constitutes a sort of huge global memory. This is how remote viewing or many divination arts operate when they do serious job. This is science a,d not a fantasy. This is also how spiritism is possible. Spiritism is not advised because you never know the entitites that you are facing. They can be dangerous and some are very possessive. Medium practises severely weakens the first guardian of the spiritual gate which then allows possession. Many people are “possessed” inconsciously. This type of possessions is caracterised with incomprehensible  crisis of anger that are remanent and unexplained. They are of paranoid type , prone to parasitism and intimidators. At the same time the  victim becomes bipolar. His spirit is litteraly split in 2 and there is no connexion between the 2 hemispheres of the brain to allow balance. Acceptance of the truth means to have the ability to analyse your own self honestly. This is not easy for a person that has no understanding of the situation and then have a faked analisis of it that has taken a naive shotcut created by internal lockages of the mind. These lockages disable the connexion with higher consciousness. You need very carefull attention to spot them within yourself. These are the real “deamons” : only thoughts.

The bible gives a good example of these kind ancient laws with the 10 commandments.  Natural Laws are a logic and for this reason there is no need for a full library to apply them. You just need to have the correct state of mind to then analyse the situation if you are aware of a logic. It is a state of mind. The hebrew 10 commandments are a simplified version of the Egyptian 33 commandments. In India you can find the laws of Manu that are more sophisticated because the apply to a whole society and describes it.

In the ancient time there were many casts. This still exists in India. There are 4 of them. They have different roles. There was a 5th cast that is not mentiond called the rodents. they are not classified in indian society because they would not stay permanently. They were nomads that refused any type of authority. They had a great knowlege of the deserts and lived there. quite like the actual nomads of Sahara. Some nomads would regularly practise rapt of animals , women and children than take them into their tribes as captives, they were warriors. The slaves were actually called “captives”. In the Sahara desert tribes would predominantly rapt for black people as slaves. This a old tradition. In some other regions the nomads were sheperds with sheeps. The sheeps are gregary animals that are highly destructive for natural environment when they are concentrated.  Once concentrated on a reduced space any kettle destroys erremediably the land. Intensive kettleing is a horrible practise that is cruel and irrespective for animal life. They dont care ; it is just meat to their blind eyes.

The sheep needs to be moved regularly in order to avoid land destruction. This is how the traditions of transhumance  were born. The sheep are moved to cooler climeta in altitude during the summer in wild prairies. Not only the sheep but cows as well for milk and cheese. Even for milk-chocolate in switzerland.

Before pastoralism, Europe was covered with dense forests. At a certain period of time, forest constituted a danger for the religious authorities, because many people would live from the natural ressources that she provides generously. They then did not want to integrate religious societies. This is still happening now in retired areas with native tribes. Massive deforestation was necessary to impose the written laws. This was done with the pretext of constructing ships. Most great european forests have been wiped out by the massive deforestation campagn. As a consequence of this, the populations that lives in the forests were forced to migrate because they could not feed any more. They were then taken as “serves” and were implied into agriculture once the land had been deforestated. The plan wes to create plains with paturages for kettling as well. They had the land and they has the “human ressources” to exploit it. The workers would be given food for their work in generous amounts, enough for them to feel satisfied. Ketteling maintained the land then to avoid the coming back of the trees and create the actual landscapes that we see now that are very different from what they were. The climate has not always be the same as it is now through time accordint to the animals that are illustrated by the ancients. For example, in France you see cave paintings with lions, rhinos, elephants  and african animals not only those but also mammoth. Both at the same time. some disappeared mega faune like the sabred tooth tigerr and other giant animals from the cold.

The ancient people lived in harmony with their environment. this was a implicit common law and essential part of their Natural Law. they were much more different than what we are commonly depicted. We know that ancient civilisations were much smarter than ours and highly evoluted. A civilisation can not evolute if it is not peacefull. Once the technology develops the weapons become more and mire destructive and when a conflict happends the risk of total destruction is there. All the ancient civilisation have collapsed because of wars without any exception.

Much Love.

The principle of autosimilarity and the Fibonacci suite

The principle of autosimilarity and the Fibonacci suite

“All that is well conceived in the mind is clearly enonced and the words to express it come easily” – René Descates

The principle of Auto-similarity in Nature was rediscovered byBenoît Mandelbrot . Benoit was very interested with the mystery of strange mathematical shapes and what appeared to be “monsters”. He produced the first fractal pattern. Check out the video below for a resume of Benoit Mandelbrot’s discoveries done by himself.

Fractals apply to all visible patterns, as well as the fibonacci sequence. They also apply to dynamic movements  like the waves in the ocean or the growth of a forest.


They are predictible and repetitive. There is a fractal pattern in time as well and it is also subject to sacred geometry and the fibonacci pattern. Nature produces the same patterns over and over and over again. Nature  has her own geometry that is embedded in her own memory. All things obey to these rules with no exception, from the nano world to the mega-galaxy clusters of the Laniakea – The Great Further : the visible universe. Only polynesian language could figure this concept in a single word.


The financial world is aware of these mathematic rules and they are applied for predictions and investments. Amazingly, the candlestick charts obey nicely to this natural rule and many are amazed with this detail that is enlightening in terms of the comprehension of Nature. You are confronted to the mathematical reality of the forces that run the universe. and the harmonic principles everywhere that build the beauty of  what the 5 Cosmos give to our eyes.

There is a Natural Order to ensure the dynamics and perennity of the Universal Principle of Life and Creation in the Great Unified Cosmos. Every element is balanced perfectly to ensure the harmony of universal equilibrium, from the microcosm to the Macrocosm. This principle is present in the hindu concept of Lord Vishnou : His role is to preserve unlike Lord Shiva whose role is to disolve and transform the original creation of the Brahman in the Cosmic cycle.


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